I am supposed to synthesize 2-butanol from ethane using only ethane as my carbon source (can use any other inogranic/organic reagents/solvents).
I was thinking of doing ethylmagnesium bromide + acetaldehyde in diethyl ether and H3O+, but I need to figure out how to make those, first.
For ethylmagnesium bromide, can I just do CH3CH3 + Br + light --> CH3CH2Br, or can I not do that, because I don't know if that would work since the radical would be on a primary carbon?
If it worked, I would then add Mg.
To make the acetaldehyde, I would first make ethyl alcohol by doing CH3CH3 + Br + light --> CH3CH2Br and then add H2O to hopefully get CH3CH2OH and then I would do PCC to get CH3CH2O. Again, I don't know if this would work b/c of the primary radical and then primary carbocation for the addition of water.
Is any of this right, or am I completely on the wrong track?