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Topic: My first own topic - ethanol and water  (Read 2718 times)

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Offline kilroy

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My first own topic - ethanol and water
« on: July 01, 2009, 07:11:47 PM »
Hi all...

I have made a few replies already and I´m looking forward to being a member of this forum... :D

As mentioned in my introduction reply my profession (if I may say so) is analytical chemistry in common and analysis of low levels of metals particurlarly (that´s a difficult word to spell if you are from Scandinavia... ;D).

Anyway...one of my Junior Chemists wanted my opinion about a question concerning if it´s possible to separate ethanol and water using a freezing technique. The mixture has a 40 % content of ethanol and ~ 60 % of water. I know it´s possible to increase the ethanol content by freezing if you start with a low content of ethanol (~15 %). By using repeated freezing it´s possible to achieve a mixture having ~ 20-25 % of ethanol.

What happens if you start with a mixture holding 40 % ethanol and what happens if you use a cooling mixture being as cold as - 80 C (frozen carbondioxide)?

I haven´t worked with physical chemistry issues for a long time and to be honest...I´m not sure about this issue.

If you find my question not relevant...please delete it.

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