Yes.I tried thinking of it like that,but I still can't figure it out.
X can't be in Group 1,cause then Y would have to be group 2 and the 1st IE of Group 2 should be higher than that of group1 or group 3(in Z),but it's not the case here.
Then according to the 1st IE ,X can be group 2 ,Y-GROUP 3 and Z-group 4,but not acording to the 3rd IE
X can't be group 3 cause the 1st IE gradually increases from group 3 to 5 (but not in X to Z,1st IE of Y<Z)
X can't be group 4 cuz Y would then be group5 and Y should theoretically have a higher 1st IE ,but here it's less.
X can't be group 5 cause although,according to me it agrees with the 1st IE values given,but not the 3rd IE as Y would then be group 6 and Z would be Group 7,and theoretically shouldn't the 3rd IE of group 7 elements be more than that of group 6,but here the IE of Y has tripled ,and even according to the electronic configuration of Group 6,the 3rd IE would be less than that given(compared to the 3rd IE of group 5),right?
So where am I going wrong?