I have a test on Monday and I'm so behind on naming hydrocarbons. Teacher gave us a work sheet to study on the weekend but I'm having a problem. He did 1 question which i'm trying to understand.
CH3 - CH2 - CH - CH - CH3
Okay, I know that the longest chain of carbon is 6 which is hexane. Well the next step I'm kind off confused about where to start. Is it going to be from left to right. I've been searching some example about naming hydrocarbons and some they start from left to right or right to left. I get some right but mostly wrong. Like the one example that i gave you. My answer would be:
3rd carbon there is 1 carbon so it would be 3 methyl
4th carbon there is 2 carbons so it would be 4 ethyl
so my answer would be 3-methyl, 4-ethyl hexane
which is wrong the answer should be 3, 4 dimethyl hexane
another example from the book:
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the longest chain of carbon is 6 which is hexane.
i startet the carbons from left to right so
2nd carbon has 2 carbons - 2 ethyl
3rd carbon has 2 carbons - 2 ethyl
4th carbon has 1 carbon - 4 methyl
so the answer would be 4 methyl, 2 ethyl, 2 ethyl hexane or 4 methyl, diethyl hexane
and the right answer was 2,4-dimethyl-3-ethylhexane.
i spent the night trying some example and its frustrating just spending 2 hours for 1 example that i couldn't get the right answer. i need helpppppp . SadSadSadSad