My natural gas have this formula: C1,17H4,3 but it will also contain N2
The synthesis gas contain the this i will get out of the wash, so:
H2 65 vol %
CO 33
CO2 0
CH4 1,4
N2 0,6
The sum of this synthesis gas, is my calculebase: 100 kmol
I know this also:
CO2/natural gas = 1,06
H2O/ natural gas= 1,94
After this i can calculate all my unknown variables in the reactor (see the picture I attach with this post. It it’s a .doc file I will attach.)
Now I know that CO2 is z, and the recirculation of CO2 is r*z, I also know that water is y. And the natural gas containing N2 is: x+w
So it must be know:
Z+(r*z)/ x+w = 1,06
y/x+w) 1,94
After that I do my equations system. And I will find all my unknow variables:
Now im going to calculated:
How much natural gas (C1,17H4,3) does it take to produce 1000 kmol synthesis gas (H2,CO,CO2, CH4,N2)??
So Im thinking in this way:
100 kmol synthesis gas * (? kmol of the contribute natural gas/(naturtal gas(x) + N2(w))=1000 kmol synthesis gas
and this will give me 236,73 kmol natural gas.