I've done my master thesis and PhD thesis at the University of Leuven, and I do believe my group (synthesis, of course) had a glove box somewhere. Never used it, never knew of anyone actually using it.
I've done reactions with sec-BuLi in my fume hood, though for stuff like that I'd clean it out (a bit) and keep a coworker and a fire extinguisher nearby. The only accident with BuLi I've ever had was when a syringe with a glass plunger (these things are s#*$, but cheaper than teflon plungers, so there) overflowed onto my fingers. Judging from the limited heat generation, I still had some time to finish the transfer, so everything worked out fine in the end.
BuLi accidents were actually quite rare. LiAlH
4, NaH, that's the stuff that burns. And Na metal of course.
But gloveboxes? No thanks. When using dangerous chemicals, I like my freedom of movement. No need to make handling difficult.