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Topic: problems with ICP and/or software  (Read 6715 times)

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Offline rhb1

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problems with ICP and/or software
« on: September 23, 2009, 04:44:37 PM »
We have a Leeman Labs PS 950 ICP AES using PSWin. Since after crashing the program due to DOS storage overload the instrument has not worked. The machine responds to the program prompts, but the results are not correct. When running a Hg full peak routine the results show flat (=zero) plots. When scanning any element at any concentration the emission counts are the same, at blank values (5 for Ti and 191 for P), and plots show no peaks. Nothing was changed in the instrument from the day when it worked perfectly well to the next morning when the program crashed. The only modification was the replacement of the pc with a newer pc, which did show the same problem as the original pc (and the first pc was put back). Any suggestions as to possible solutions or even diagnosis?

Offline marquis

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Re: problems with ICP and/or software
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2009, 07:12:35 PM »
My case wasn't with ICP. 

I had the same problem with an agilent HPLC/ GC/MS.  The tech who fixed it explained that the data wasn't the problem.  The system saved instrument setup information after every run.  When the disk overloaded, the computer had no place to save the instrument setup file and the instrument wouldn't work.

It was expensive to fix, requiring a tech visit and many telephone hours.  Hope your situation is less stressful.

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Re: problems with ICP and/or software
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2009, 09:28:14 AM »
Do you know what the tech had to do in order to fix that problem?

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Re: problems with ICP and/or software
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2009, 05:55:17 PM »
We have a Leeman Labs PS 950 ICP AES using PSWin. Since after crashing the program due to DOS storage overload the instrument has not worked. The machine responds to the program prompts, but the results are not correct. When running a Hg full peak routine the results show flat (=zero) plots. When scanning any element at any concentration the emission counts are the same, at blank values (5 for Ti and 191 for P), and plots show no peaks. Nothing was changed in the instrument from the day when it worked perfectly well to the next morning when the program crashed. The only modification was the replacement of the pc with a newer pc, which did show the same problem as the original pc (and the first pc was put back). Any suggestions as to possible solutions or even diagnosis?

Is the software compatible with the newer PCs specs.If the processing speed is too rapid for the software you may get software conflicts arising.
Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.

Offline marquis

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Re: problems with ICP and/or software
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2009, 11:50:28 AM »
The instrument companies are very concerned about software theft.  They make it hard to deal with these kind of issues.

For example, one common trick is to place what looks like an extender on your printer port.  Actually, the software checks for the presence of this extender on the computer.  If it doesn't see it, it shuts down.  First thing to do is see if this kind of safety device is present in your system.

The next thing is to get all you data files transfered to another computer.
This is where the telephone work comes in.  You need to see what the instrument maker will let you have and what they want to charge you for.  You might try their repair technician first.  He can often get you started down the right path. 

After that, in my case, it took total reformating and reinstallation of the software.
Most people keep backup files, but they are often not well kept.  If you reinstall, you also need the custom set up done specifically for your lab.  Those are often missing.  Also, many equipment makers require special codes to access and install the software.

Offline rhb1

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Re: problems with ICP and/or software
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2009, 11:29:08 AM »
I was able to get a reply from an ICP technician and this is his instruction:

"Your description of the flat lines with very low intensity counts indicates a problem with the data acquisition, no light is actually being measured.  Aside from a true hardware failure one thing that could cause this is no high voltage to the PMTs.  Is there a PMT High Voltage message being displayed?

If your instrument was still in the original configuration, the PC that failed was located behind the front cover.  This cover has an interlock that turns off the pmt voltage when the cover is off.  If this was the case and after swapping the PCs you have not replaced the cover, that is the problem.  Replace the cover and functionality will return.  If this is not the case then the power supply and circuitry for the pmt voltage has failed."

Thank you, Mackiewicz! I'm posting this info to help others facing similar problems.

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