HI everyone,
I have the experiment on the experiment of HPLC. My experiment ,inject the same conc. of standard solution =0.1%w/v,and i have to use their peak height and pesk area to calculate the conc. of the unknown phthalate in the tygon sample.
I found that the formulas as the follwing:
Conc of unknown component =conc. of it corresponding component of standard x Peak area(sample)/Peak area(standard)
My sample contain 2 different components of tested standard in the sample and now I need to calcuate the total 2 components' concentration in the sample tygon,is that right if i only add up the 2 component for peak area (sample), and add up 2standard componentsfor peak area (standard ),but use the same conccentration value for calculate the total concentration of the total 2 component in the sample?
For example,the conc. of standard =0.1, and peak area of a standard=a1,peak area of b standard=b1, peak area of tested sample a=a2 ,and peak area of tested b=b2,then
conc.of total 2 component in the sample =0.1x (a2+b2)/(a1+b1)
Is my calculation correct?