CH3F does indeed have the stronger intermolecular attractions as you say. The boiling point is dependent on many factors, and one of the main factors is the molecular weight. Compounds with higher molecular weights are harder to "lift" into the air than are compounds with lower molecular weights and these heavy compounds have higher boiling points in general if you ignore intermolecular attractions.
This is absolutely wrong! CCl
4's higher boiling point is not due to it being harder to lift into the air. Here are two pieces of evidence to convince you:
1) Gravitational forces are extremely weak.
Let's calculate the amount of energy needed to lift one mole of CCl
4 molecules 1m into the air. E
grav = mgh = 1.50 J/mol. Now compare this to the amount of thermal energy available at 0
oC: RT = 2.3 kJ/mol. The energy required to lift molecules against gravity is orders of magnitude lower than the energy contributed by thermal energy (much less intermolecular forces) and therefore contributes little to the energy required to vaporize a substance.
2) CCl
4 has a higher melting point than CH
If CCl
4's boiling point were due to stronger gravitational forces and not due to stronger intermolecular forces, then one would expect CCl
4 to have a lower melting point than CH
3F since "lifting" molecules out of a liquid would not be involved in a changing from a solid to a liquid. However, the melting points of CCl
4 and CH
3F are -23
oC and -142
oC, respectively (note, the boiling point of CCl
4 is misquoted above. CCl
4 boils at 77
oC. Else I would be worried about that bottle of liquid carbon tetrachloride I have in lab). From these data we can conclude that the intermolecular forces between CCl
4 molecules are indeed stronger than the intermolecular forces between CH
3F molecules.
Now why do CCl
4 molecules have stronger intermolecular forces than CH
3F? CCl
4 molecules are very polarizable because they are big and have many electrons. It is very easy for these molecules to develop instantaneous dipoles and even easier for these instantaneous dipoles to induce dipoles in neighboring molecules. True, CH
3F does have a slight permanent dipole, but people tend to underestimate the strength of dispersion forces in comparison to forces between permanent dipoles especially when the difference in molecular size is large (see the link posted by cliverlong).
Yes, it is true that factors other than the strength of intermolecular forces determine a compounds boiling point. Gravitational forces, however, are not among them.