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Topic: converting tyre rubber into more flexible material  (Read 3931 times)

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converting tyre rubber into more flexible material
« on: November 14, 2009, 03:20:13 AM »
I need to develop a material that is similar to neoprene (rubbery and flexible) but from tyre waste.
What I've found so far was some information on devulcanized rubber granulate with an polyurethane bond. Does this sound promissing?
If so, how would the transformation process be?
Is there any other way to get tyre waste turned into a flexible, about 3mm thick material?

Thank you!  :)

Offline marquis

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Re: converting tyre rubber into more flexible material
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2009, 02:58:18 PM »
You can depolymerize rubber. but the process depends on the polymer type and on the crosslink type.  A more common approach is to pyrolyze the rubber.  That is, to heat it up in a non oxidizing atmosphere.  This will convert the polymer to monomers and oligomers of the base polymer.  Whichever approach you use, it will get very dirty.

A more common approach with rubber is to have it ground very finely.  Then you use it in a rubber compound as a filler.  You can use the reground rubber this way, but it is usually a nonreinforcing filler.  The more you use, the weaker physical properties like tensile and modulus will get. 

Hope this helps.

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