I was wondering if sources from way back - around 1900 to 1960 - are still valid and reliable?
For example:
- "The War Gases" by Mario Sartori (1930)
- "Organic Reactions - Volumes 1 through 4" by Roger Adams (1942)
- "Experiments in Organic Chemistry" by Louis Fieser (1941)
There are many others, but these are pretty cool - and free online - all you would have to do is read them online or print them yourself.
So, are these books still useful, factual, valid?
Or, are you able to buy these books already bound? - Because, some of these books on the internet are experiencing bit rot, and they are starting to get hard to read.
If these are not reliable sources, or you know of others that are better, what are other books that are like these but modernized? Some books that list multitudes of reactions and the synthesis of compounds in organic and inorganic chemistry?
Thanks in Advance.