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Topic: chemacal reaction  (Read 3763 times)

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Offline JasonOkeefe881

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chemacal reaction
« on: December 08, 2009, 02:28:29 PM »
     I have a question that maybe someone can help me with? Does any one know what  the chemical or chemicals?  that are in lotions that cause a warm sensation such as the kY brand.. also if someone would please explain how they do just that.. thank you for any help you can give me..

Offline eugenedakin

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Re: chemacal reaction
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2009, 09:09:31 PM »
Hello Jason,

Here is some information that I found on the K-Y product:

From the article, this is what has been described as being in the product:

K-Y Jelly uses glycerin and hydroxyethyl cellulose as the lubricant, with chlorhexidine gluconate, glucono delta-lactone, methylparaben and sodium hydroxide as antiseptic and preservative additives. The liquid form of the product combines glycerin with propylene glycol, sorbitol, and Natrosol 250H (a brand of hydroxyethyl cellulose) for lubrication, with benzoic acid, methylparaben and sodium hydroxide as additives. An alternative glycerin-free formulation marketed as "K-Y Ultra" contains propylene glycol, sorbitol, Natrosol 250H and polysorbate 60 for lubrication, benzoic acid and methylparaben as preservatives, and vitamin E.

I hope this helps.

Best wishes,

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