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Topic: Levine Textbook Good?  (Read 3265 times)

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Levine Textbook Good?
« on: December 27, 2009, 12:52:32 PM »
I am currently a highschool student, and have been self studying undergraduate chemistry by myself for a while now. I wanted to know how good Physical Chemistry by Ira Levine was, because I am currently in possession of it. Any ratings?

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Re: Levine Textbook Good?
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2009, 04:17:57 PM »
It is an excellent book (my favorite P.Chem book in fact!). It is much more conversational than other PChem books which is great IMO (some people prefer the straight Math however, and they prop up Atkins book instead for that reason). It is especially helpful that Levine stops to explain what the thermodynamic variables *mean* on the molecular level as he teaches you thermo. Most books prefer to just leave you in a confused state as you study thermo, and only tell you what it means much later on. The value of this book is that the author actually makes an effort to help people understand what is otherwise a very difficult subject.

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Re: Levine Textbook Good?
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2009, 07:20:38 PM »
Thank you for your response. Yeah, so far, the two chapters I read were very well explained. I don't even know differential equations, nor did I know partial derivatives yet I feel like I understand it in the short section Levine had on them.

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