I have a few orgo questions I answered. Could someone please double-check them?
Water, H2OBond angles: 109 degrees
Geometric shape: Bent
Isomers: None
Polar or non-polar?: Polar
Methane, CH4Bond angles: 109 degrees
Geometric shape: Tetrahedral
Isomers: None
Polar or non-polar?: Non-polar
Carbon tetrachloride, CCl4Bond angles: 109 degrees
Geometric shape: Tetrahedral
Isomers: None
Polar or non-polar?: Non-polar
Chloroform, CHCl3Bond angles: 109 degrees
Geometric shape: Tetrahedral
Isomers: None
Polar or non-polar?: Polar
Butane, C4H10Bond angles: 109 degrees
Geometric shape: Tetrahedral
Isomers: 2 - Methyl propane
Polar or non-polar?: Non-polar
Propyl Alcohol, C3H7(OH)Bond angles: Geometric shape: Bent & tetrahedral
Isomers: 3 - 2 alcohol, 1 ether
Polar or non-polar?: Non-polar
Ethene, C2H4Bond angles: Geometric shape: Isomers: None
Polar or non-polar?: Non-polar
1, 2-dichloroethene, C2H2Cl2Bond angles: Geometric shape: Isomers: Polar or non-polar?: I need help with details for 1, 2-dichloroethene, Ethene, and Propyl Alcohol. Anyone care to help me out or walk me through this? I tried looking this up online with varied/scattered answers. Thank you in advance!