ok... the hair goes 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4 . 6, 7, 8
so i assume my wanted guy has 5 curls.
the bodies get slightly bigger each guy, so i assume my guy is almost a circle but i cannot figure out what the inside shapes signify. Looking at patters going verticle then my guy would have 2 triangles.
For the fingers the number on the left is the same as the number of curls they have for the first few then the same number of curls as fingers on the bottom right hand... so my guy would have 8 fingers on the left hand, 2 on the top hand and 5 on the bottom hand.
I know elements want nobel gas configurations so that would make sence with the 8's but im still confused with the 2 on the top right hand and what the symbols in the body mean. unless im on the wrong path.
Thanks for your clue though, that did help out