I am not sure but as far as i know CO2 is reason for global warming and pollution.As a refrigerant dry ice is not use to avoid pollution.
That would be true if dry ice were produced from CO
2 that was made specifically to become dry ice. In reality, dry ice is produced from waste CO
2 created from other processes (e.g. from the production of ammonia or fermentation reactions). Because the CO
2 from these reactions would have entered the atmosphere anyway, creating dry ice then letting the CO
2 from the dry ice enter the atmosphere just delays the release of CO
2 into the atmosphere.
Of course, the production of dry ice involves steps that require energy inputs (e.g. refrigeration). Because those steps require electricity and electricity is generated from fossil fuels primarily, the production of dry ice is not carbon neutral overall. This fact, however, would also apply to the production of liquid nitrogen.
I'm not sure why liquid nitrogen is more economical than dry ice. Liquid nitrogen (~-200
oC) is much colder than dry ice (~-80
oC), so perhaps that has something to do with it.