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Topic: Help with chemical formula  (Read 2562 times)

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Help with chemical formula
« on: February 05, 2010, 08:54:00 PM »
I have a project, and it is doing a chemical reaction I am doing acetic acid and sodium carbonate


I've calculated and researched and the results of this reaction is:

NaCH3COO or sodium acetate

Is this correct

another question, if I write acetic acid formula and acetate ion like this is the same


CH3COO,   C2H3O2

Offline sjb

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Re: Help with chemical formula
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2010, 06:11:27 AM »
I have a project, and it is doing a chemical reaction I am doing acetic acid and sodium carbonate


Check your formula for sodium carbonate.

I've calculated and researched and the results of this reaction is:

NaCH3COO or sodium acetate

Is this correct

Sounds reasonable to me

another question, if I write acetic acid formula and acetate ion like this is the same


CH3COO,   C2H3O2

Firstly, don't forget that the acetate ion is charged, and the significance of the number formatting I have added. Secondly, I think the first way of writing the formulae is better as it shows the connectivity of the atoms better (though the second is not wrong per se). C2H4O2 for instance could represent a structure with a carbon-carbon double bond, and a hydroxyl on each carbon (though of course this may tautomerise).

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