I am currently writing a practical report on the relationship between the ratio of ethanol and acetone in a mixture and the evaporation rate. The temperature decrease in the following samples was recorded by using a data logger:
1. Only ethanol
2. Only acetone
3. Equal volumes of ethanol and acetone
4. Ethanol: Acetone = 2:1 by volume
5. Ethanol: Acetone = 1:2 by volume
I have plotted two series of data on the same sets of axes where the first series has the x-values 0, 25, 50, 75, 100 (% of ethanol), and the other series is the same, but for acetone instead. I have found linear trendlines for both series.
I have plotted the minimum temperatures at each concentration of ethanol/acetone.
I have performed the Pearson correlation test in order to determine if there is a strong relationship between the ratio of ethanol to acetone and the evaporation rate (using the temperature change data).
And now I am a bit stuck...should i try to find the equation of the gradient at a specific point and compare those data? Can I do another test? Another aspects which I have forgotten?