Hello all! I was hoping you might be able to help me out with this problem about developing a rate equation for this reaction. This problem is unlike the examples we went over and class, and I'm a bit confused how to do it.
Consider the aqueous reaction (consider using the abbreviation Ph = C6H5 ) :
H+ + HNO2 + C6H5NH2 --> C6H5N2+ + 2H2O
with mechanism:
(1) H+ + HNO2 <--> H2NO2+ (fast equil)
(2) H2NO2+ + Br- --> ONBr + H2O (slow)
(3) ONBr + C6H5NH2 --> C6H5N2+ + H2O + Br- (fast)
(a) What specie/s do you expect to be the catalyst/s in the mechanism?
(b) What specie/s is/are the intermediate/s in the mechanism?
(c) Use quasi-equilibrium analysis to derive a rate law from the mechanism
that could be matched up with experiment, i.e. eliminate any intermediates.
I'm inclined to say that Br- is the catalyst in this mechanism, but I can't seem to derive a rate law that matches this assumption (i.e. the reaction rate is zeroth order in Br-).