Here's how I approached it, no idea if it is correct (but you seem desperate so I thought I'd throw this out there since I worked out something for it at least
I first converted the given 187 mL of O
2/g*hr into moles of O
2/g*hr as follows:
n = (1 atm)(187 cm
3)/(82.058 cm
3 atm mol
-1 K
-1)(273K) = .008347531 mol O2/g*hr
Next, I assumed that all the energy being oxidized was produced by burning glucose only. Then:
2 + C
6 6CO
2 + 6H
20 + 36 ATP
So now we can get the ATP pool produced/g*hr:
(.008347531 mol O2/g*hr)(36 mol ATP/6 mol O2) = .050085185 mol ATP/g*hr or 50 mmol ATP/g*hr
If I am interpreting this right this is the amount of ATP that needs to be produced from oxygen each hour per gram of flight muscle (it gets used up to replenish the 7 mmol requirement multiple times in 1 hour). If there is no more oxidative phosphorylation the amount produced becomes zero which means the fly craps out when its residual supply of 7 mmol runs out on its own which would take:
mmol ATP)(7
mmol ATP/
g) = .14 hr or 8.4 minutes