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Topic: Alkanes and alkenes - combustion  (Read 12366 times)

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Offline kasiaogor

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Alkanes and alkenes - combustion
« on: February 20, 2010, 09:51:46 AM »
Hi. I have a serious problem. I have to give an explanation of: the difference in cleanliness of the flames, the difference in ease of burning and the difference in colors of flames, when alkane and alkene are burning. Why does the alkaneĀ“s flame has a blue light at the bottom, while alkeneĀ“s flame is dark yellow?? Why does alkene burn more easily and why?? Why alkane is more cleanly??
Thanks for help

Offline bhushana209

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Re: Alkanes and alkenes - combustion
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2010, 04:36:26 PM »
We just finished this lab, so some hints:
Alkenes burn easier due to weak intermolecular forces.
They give off different colors because they release different amounts of energy. (might want to find out what the color of light has to do with energy).

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