And here is a typical general chemistry book showing it done the other way as I showed before
So which approach is correct? Having seen the analysis now (thanks orgo!) I think both *can* be correct, but the one that is in agreement with the way chemists do things is the approach taken by the student. Still, it depends on which value of the rate constant, k, you are giving in the problem statement.
Here is what I mean: in general chemistry we base the rate law on the disappearance of the reactant (which is monitored spectrophotometrically or whatever). This is why all the rate laws are relative to N
5; it is the reactant. If you look at orgoclear's book, you will see that the you only have one rate listed that described the disappearance of the reactant (note that this is identical to the rate equation that I provided in my post above):
(i) - d[N
5]/dt = k
The other two equations are *rate of formation* of products (note that these are positive rates in the differential form and also note that they are given with respect to the concentration of N
5, the reactant):
(ii) d[NO
2]/dt = k
(iii) d[O
2]/dt = k
Now this other "k" the book lists is NOT the same k as the one for the disappearance of reactant that we get from our data (which is k
1)...this k is actually k
3, a rate of formation constant for oxygen! Look at the book solution for EX.17 and you will see this clearly displayed:
k = k
1/2 = k
2/4 = k
3 (or k = k
From our experimental data, we will NOT get k
3 as our constant experimentally because we are measuring a decrease in the concentration of N
5 to determine the rate! Sure, we *could* convert the data after the fact to give the rate of formation of O
2 with respect to the concentration of N
5 (the book orgoclear provided shows how to do this), but why do more work? You do not need k
3 to use the kinetics as shown below.
The integrated rate law looks like this:
ln [A] = - k
1t + ln[A
I have marked the k as k
1 to emphasize the point. If A
0 is your initial contration of N
5 and [A] is your concentration of N
5 at time t, then the rate constant will be the one associated with the rate of decrease in N
5 concentration with time which is given as k
1. Since the half life equation is based on the concentration of N
5 decreasing by half in time: t
1/2, then you can solve for t
1/2 from the integrate rate law as follows:
ln [1] = - k
1/2 + ln[2]
or ln[2]/k
1 = t
1/2as given in all the textbooks.
Now, is the teacher wrong? Strictly speaking no, but depends on which k he is giving you. If he gives you the rate constant for the rate of formation of O
2 with respect to N
5 (which we can get by converting to k
3 from the data obtained from k
1...why he would do this I have no idea), then the half life equation becomes (on substitution k
3) = t
1/2This is simply not the way we do things in chemistry
And if you took the experimentally determined rate constant and plugged it into the above equation expecting an accurate half life then your answer WOULD be wrong (experimentally, we get k
1, not k
I hope this cleared everything up.