bharathi, why do you want to switch bases?
My mistake about the thiourea. I fixed it above. Shouldn't make much of a difference.
Yes, the deprotonated thiourea would be a resonance hybrids, I just drew them that way to look more like traditional enolates.
The problem with the thiourea attacking directly is that there would be a positively charged intermediate when the whole reaction is under basic conditions. That is usually unlikely.
it happens, plain and simple as that, there's nothing preventing the direct attack
Also, the pKa of thiourea is 21 (DMSO solvent) and that of methanol is 29 (DMSO solvent). That difference is more than enough to ensure that the equilibrium lies almost entirely with the deprotonated thiourea and methanol.
but note that it is the protonated form of thiourea
I'm not trying to be an ass, it's just that all of this is a bit interesting to me, it's really the question of whether ethanoate serves as the proton remover in the long run or methanoate. I'm moving towards the methanoate route, since it is the less complicated of the two, I just don't know exactly why ethanote would take over...and if it should, the dyanmics of the reaction should be a bit more complicated I imagine....for e.g. the reaction would propagate exponentially with time according to the ethanoate route, if I'm note mistaken. Also, in general, what happens to the methanoate as ethanoate takes over?