Att: Int'l Purchasing Manager
This is to serve you as an introduction of Ruspert metal coating system. Nihon Ruspert Co.,Ltd. is a Japan based metal coating manufacturer, who has 40 years plating/coating technologies, and are currently penetrating every possible industrial areas, construction, automotive areas, which are partly exporting to the U.S. and Europe directly from here or thru our licensees in Taiwan, China ,Vietnam and South Korea.
Taking this opportunities, I would very much like to intensify our overseas sales to every possible clients where those heavier corrosion reistance is demanding. Our intention is to find possible licensing jobcoaters or in-house applicators. We are well competitive and qualified to those similar zinc/aluminum flake dip/spin coating. Our treatment is RoHS compliant and enviromental-friendly. Any information will be pleased to furnish upon further request. For the moment please refer to our refreshed website
We hope this will interest to your attention and please keep us informed how you are interested.
Best Regards
Overseas div