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Topic: Heat Absorbtion of specific colors dark vs light  (Read 4141 times)

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Offline J. H. Light

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Heat Absorbtion of specific colors dark vs light
« on: March 19, 2010, 10:22:53 AM »
Can anyone tell me if there are studies as to whether dark colors (black) absorb heat as opposed to lighter colors (tan).  It is commonly known I believe that dark colors absorb heat faster than lighter colors.  I need to know if there have been studies related to this issue. 

Fire Departments have choices of colors to wear, although the gear is layered and designed to create a thermal barrier between the fire and the wearer, would the black gear absorb heat faster than the tan?

If there is a study could you please reference it, or attach to e-mail for future reference.

Thank you,


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Re: Heat Absorbtion of specific colors dark vs light
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2010, 01:55:01 PM »
What does it mean "body is blue"?
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