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Topic: Optimal DryIce/WarmWater/BubbleSoap Ratio  (Read 4318 times)

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Offline rew232

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Optimal DryIce/WarmWater/BubbleSoap Ratio
« on: April 18, 2010, 07:03:45 PM »
I want to create a very large (5+ cubic meters) volume of bubbles in a very short amount of time (less than 2 minutes, hopefully 30 seconds). This needs to be cheap, safe, and relatively easy to clean up. What would you suggest?

My current best idea is to fill a large (~4' garbage can) with warm water and bubble soap, and then dump in some bags of dry ice pellets. The water will be as hot as I can get from the tap. What type of soap should I use? What is the ideal ratio of DryIce/WarmWater/BubbleSoap? Are there any simple catalysts I can use? Should I buy dry ice pellets as small as possible if I want the most noticeable reaction?

All suggestions appreciated!

Offline MissPhosgene

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Re: Optimal DryIce/WarmWater/BubbleSoap Ratio
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2010, 12:32:41 AM »
releasing a large amount of CO2 in a short time period isn't very safe....
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Offline DemonicAcid

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Re: Optimal DryIce/WarmWater/BubbleSoap Ratio
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2010, 02:13:48 AM »
Releasing a large amount of any gas that has a density equal to or greater than air is unsafe. If it's going to be inside or there are people closeby, I would recommend using an air compressor.

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