But not on an industrial scale. Just compare the prizes. Triphosgene is not much less toxic than phosgene itself. It is just a bit easier to handle.
Triphosgene is MUCH less toxic than phosgene, and as long as you do not use it to generate phosgene, you will be ok. Phosgene is a sever irritant, and you must handle it in a hood, and with due respect and love. You should keep it in a tightly closed container and far from water.
I would not buy it, but prepare it, instead, it is not that hard, and as triphosgene is solid, it is pretty easy to handle and convenient to use. I this way I could be sure of the stuff, and its quality and purity... You can always make only what will be needed, and use it as limiting reagent.
I think you should take a look at:
Cotarca, L.; Delogu, P.; Nardelli, A.; Sunjic, V. Synthesis 1996, 553.
Also, for some applications
http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/etc/medialib/docs/Aldrich/Bulletin/al_techbull_al176.Par.0001.File.tmp/al_techbull_al176.pdfHope it helps.