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Topic: How can the formula for hydro graphic imaging activator be obtained?  (Read 3801 times)

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Offline fazzio5

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I'm new to the camo dipping business and have been browsing different distributors for supplies. There are no local distributors in my area so everything has to be shipped. The activator can only be shipped ground because it's HAZ MAT, which has a waiting time for me of 3-4 days. Because of this holiday weekend that 3-4 days quickly turned into 10 days of waiting on my activator, halting my productivity. All the distributors I've spoken with said they have their own "in house" activators. How can I obtain this formula to make my own activator as well?
« Last Edit: May 29, 2010, 04:47:16 PM by fazzio5 »

Offline Borek

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    • Chembuddy
You need to know what is chemistry behind the process you are using. I guess it is some kind of polymerization - what is your monomer?
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