Temperature doesnt have much to do with boling except supply the ENERGY for the liquid to change to the gas phase. your liquid could also "boil" if u lower the atmospheric pressure....
think about this...
HERE is your pot of water..as u can see theree is only a few bubbles
The bubbles form at the bottom...for it to boil, it must reach the top of the water...(by definition of boiling).
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IT wont reach the top...i'lll collapse before it reaches the top...

how sad
until it has enough energy to overcome the atmospheric pressure, i'tz not boiling...
the fire continually supplys the energy

once it has enough..the bubbles will rize to the top...and that's boiling...
NOTE: water boils at 100° C at SEA LEVEL
Water may boil at 98° or lower if you are higher up
(since there is less atmospheric pressure pushing down on the water (bubble), it wont collapse)
race boiling water..(one on mountain..one at sea level) the mountain will win..

Hope this helps.....hope it'll stick to your head