every metal with a more negative redoxpotential than H
+will get oxidised by H
the more negative the redoxpotential the better is the oxidation by H
+ -Ions
e.g H
+ prefers to oxidise Li than Zn and cannot oxidise Ag.
You have got NH
4+, Nitrate-Ions and Zn in aqueous medium.
Ammonium will react as an acid with the water (Nitrate as the corresponding base of a strong acid won't react at all and is just solved in water) in the mixture what will increase the H
+-concentration. The Nitrate-Ion has got a redoxpotential of +95V.This leads you to a redox-reaction with the Zn as only possible reaction.
Zn + 2H
+ Zn
2+ + H
2Same reaction with Ammoniumchloride.
PS you need an aqueous medium. Ammoniumnitrate/chloride are both salts and at room temperature in solid state.