list out all possible combinations of the H and Cl isotopes.
How do i kno if the combination is POSSIBLE?
If all H isotopes can combine with all Cl isotopes, then there are 4 Combinations/Possibilities right?
1H --
1H --
2H --
2H --
The molecular weights are just the superscripts added together…right?
1) HCl = 36
2) HCl = 38
3) HCl = 37
4) HCl = 39
I hope i am right...Or do i have to add the amu together?
1) HCl = 35.9768
2) HCl = 37.9738
3) HCl = 36.9831
4) HCl = 38.9801
...Which one is right to find the moler weights?...second one right?
(c) requires a bit of mathematics - probability. use the probability tree diagram to help calculate the relative intensities of the peaks.
PROBABILITY TREE DIAGRAM?…uh…what is it and how does that help?
Shouldn't i do something with the amu or the percent abundance???
HOW do i find the relative intensities of the peaks?
can you relate the experimental molar ratio to the stoichiometric ratio of products?
Thx the x = to 10...thx on that one
o yea...i still need *delete me*!!
Problem number 3:
• Nicotine, a component of tobacco is composed of C, H,
and N. A 5.250-mg sample of nicotine was combusted,
producing 14.242 mg of CO
2 and 4.083 mg
of H
What is the empirical formula for nicotine?
If the substance has a molar mass of 160 ± 5 g, what is
its molecular formula?
I started with .014242 g CO
2 and converted to 3.236 X 10
-4 MOl of C
Then i did the same thing with H
2O, converting it to 4.532 X 10
-4 MOL of H.
To find how much O atoms, i'll have to convert 3.236 X 10
-4 MOl of C and 4.532 X 10
-4 MOL of H to GRAMS and subtract them from 0.005250 g sample of nicotine...
BUT i CAN'T Because there are some O atoms and N atoms in that remainder of grams....HOW do i separate the O and N atoms from the remainder g?
Problem number 4:
• Gallium (GA) consists of two naturally occuring isotopes with masses of 68.926 and 70.926 amu.
a)How many protons and neutrons are in the nucleus of
each isotopes?
b)The average atomic mass of Ga is 69.72 amu. Calculate
the abundance of each isotope.
So... i kno that Ga has 31 protons
69Ga and
(are the atomic mass of the isotopes correct?)
B) HOW do i calculate the abundance?
Isn't it something like:

%) + (70.926amu)*(

%) = 69.72
how do i find out the "

...well one of them i can substitute (1.0 -



equals 1.0
Problem number 5:
• An element X forms an iodide XI
3 and a chloride XCl
3. The iodide is quantitatively converted to the chlorine when it is heated in a stream of chlorine:
3 + 3Cl
2 => 2XCL
3 + 3I
2If 0.5000 g of XI
3 is treated, 0.2360 g of XCl
3 is obtained.
a) calculate the atomic weight of the element X.
b) Identify the element X.
This problem seems easy..but i dont know how to begin since they gave me GRAMS..and i cant convert it into moles to make a mole to mole comparison... because i dont know what the element X is....
WHAT can i do?..How do i start to solve this problem?
I hope that is enough...5 Problems out of 45 that i have to complete...i wish that is all the problems i have to ask...if i ask any more it'll make me feel dumb....