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Topic: caloric temperature  (Read 5937 times)

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caloric temperature
« on: August 19, 2010, 10:14:34 AM »
Guys, I'm a newbie in Heat Exchanger (HE) and have started reading Kern books in the last 2 weeks. My question is as follows,

Is caloric temperature (Tc) is important for HE designer? I'm aware that we could use mean arithmetic temperature (Tavg) to obtain all the properties we need. As far as I know, if the temperature difference and range is narrow enough, and also if the viscosity is not greater than 1.0cP, then we could use Tavg instead of Tc. But in my opinion, this case is rarely met in actual condition. Therefore I'm pretty sure, in most cases we should use caloric temperature. The problem is I have to use the graph to obtain this Tc and it is surely no easy to get this Tc. Is there any numerical method to find Tc? Where can I get it?

I, myself ritenow is developing the excel calculation sheet for HE and find it difficult and uncomfortable if i have to use the graph to obtain Tc. Unfortunately, a lot of HE books didn't cover the topic for caloric temperature, only Mr. Kern did and I can't find the answer I need in that book.

Please help...

thank you
best regards

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