I have been given a question to calculate the Chemical equilibrium for ammonia.
Using the formula
N2 plus 3H2 -> 2NH
N2 equals 1.3 X10-3
H2 1.1 X10-2
NH3 equals 9.8 X 10-1 all with mol dm-3?
I used the equation K = [NH3]^2 / [N2] X [H2]^3
The only problem is i get a figure in the region I was not expecting. I have repeated the calculation several times.
The Answer I get is 5.5 X 10 ^9 mol^2 dm^6
This value seems way of the mark for this equation given that the temperature is given at 25 Degress C. I would expect a value around 6.4 x 10^2
Can anyone help -- or see where im going wrong in my calculations