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Topic: The effect of a magnetic field on the growth rate of crystals  (Read 1728 times)

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The effect of a magnetic field on the growth rate of crystals
« on: October 09, 2010, 11:04:02 PM »
Hello I am currently researching on crystals and how their growth rate is affected by magnetic fields for my upcoming lab. Most of the information is based on labs but I quite don't understand what they speak of. So I was wondering if anyone here has any nice reading material on crystals and magnets so I can familiarize myself with the terminology and concepts. I also was wondering if electromagnets made of an iron nail looped with a wire and connected to a battery is an efficient magnet for the lab i am preparing to do. I read that it does overheat a lot and the magnets were not that strong. So i was wondering if anyone can also point me to a magnet I can create or buy that is cheap but efficient for use for in my lab. I'll appreciate your help.

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