Organic Chemistry I take home test, we are able to use all resources except other students in class, im stumped so I thought I would ask here.
THe question is as follows...
"The following reaction involves the formation of an alkene from an alcohol; however the product is not exactly what you might expect. Draw a mechanism and try to explain in your own words what happened in this reaction."
The reaction given is attached as a jpeg file - im at work right now and had to draw it on microsoft paint but its still pretty clear.
My thoughts so far are... that obviously the H2SO4 dehydrates the alcohol, water leaves, and we have a carbocation on that carbon. I know a 7 membered ring is less stable then a 6 membered ring. Would the ring simply break and rearange...I know this happens but I cant logically see a reason why it happens in this situation. Ive considered shifts within the ring but just cant give a logical reason for this happening.
If someone has any tips for me to lead me in the right direction that would be sure I can draw the mechanism based on an explination so dont worry about that.
Any help would be greatly appriciated