Based on your hint, I searched this reaction name, and the most useful information I got is this one showing below, but I couldn't get a detailed mechanism
It says "the substrates for Friedel–Crafts glycosylation are an activated glycoside donor (99,Fig. 13C) and an aryl acceptor (100)"
So based on this and discodermolide's suggestion, my assumption is like this:
1. one of the long pair of the OR group on C1 attacks the Sn atom, giving itself a positive charge, and thus makes itself a better leaving group
2. the benzene ring attacks C1, repelling the activated OR group
3. a base attacks the ortho hydrogen on the benzene ring, resuming its aromaticity
But if this is true, what's the base used in the third step?
Is it an OR anion or a Cl anion?