We are talking about
CH2CH3 * 2 with 1 CH3
Not the diagram your using - see first post
Either I am misunderstanding or you are. The parent has a hex-3-ene body, H3C-H2C-C=C-CH2-CH3 which gives us C
10 and two substitutes, a methyl and a bromine, adding up to a total of C
13Br. Let's ask ChemSketch what the formula of the compound I drew is...
The carbon and hydrogens are there, just implied. It's not necessary to draw out every single carbon/hydrogen by it's symbol, with a non-mandatory exception when they are terminal/at the end.
Seems like cis-3-bromo-4-methylhex-3-ene works
Do you mean it works in the quiz or naming wise? I can understand how cis/trans
could be applied here and why it is incorrect however I cannot seem to get the quiz accept any of the answers for this question.