January 16, 2025, 01:12:45 AM
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Topic: Catalyst copperII sulphate in reaction between zinc powder and hydrochloric acid  (Read 6675 times)

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Offline Flux

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In a chemical reaction between Zinc powder and hydrochloric acid, can copper(II) sulphate act as a catalyst?

because my textbooks only states that copperII sulphate is a catalyst in a reaction for zinc and sulphuric acid, but im curious as to how specific can copperII sulphate be in a reaction between metal and acid.

Offline The Jar

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Well, first off, what IS the reaction between Zinc powder and sulfuric acid?  What are the important species?  It might help to know how the reaction is catalyzed - but I'm not sure if this knowledge is necessary.

After answering this you can ask yourself what the difference between hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid is.  Should the reaction (without catalyst) be the same or different?

If you can answer these questions this will at least get you closer to figuring this one out.

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