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Topic: spin orbit coupling: atom at the centre of complex  (Read 2486 times)

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spin orbit coupling: atom at the centre of complex
« on: January 13, 2011, 02:34:20 AM »
Hello Forum,
                 This is my first post. There is some preamble, but the problem itself is straightforward enough, even though I cannot solve it.
                  I'm trying to calculate the spin orbit matrix for an alkali metal atom at the centre of a complex of 12 noble gas atoms which form a tetradecahedron. The basis set consists of the metal atom excited state p orbitals plus the excited state rare gas (n + 1) p orbitals. The metal atom p orbitals (of t1u symmetry in Oh) mix with the t1u rare gas cage atom group orbitals. The cage group orbitals are then:
t11u(x): x2+x3+x6+x8
t11u(y): y1+y3+x5+y7
t11u(z): z9+z10+z11+z12
t21u(x): -(x1+x3+x5+x7+x9+x10 +x11+x12)
t21u(y): -(y2+y4+y6+y8+y9+y10+y11+y12)
t21u(z): -(z1+z2+z3+z4+z5+z6+z7+z8)
t31u(x): z1-z3-z5+z7+y9-y10+y11+y12
t31u(y): -z2+z4+z6-z8+x9-x10+x11-x12
t31u(z): x1-x3-x5+x7-y2+y4+y6-y8

The LCAO-MOs are then:

phi(x) = c1pMx+c2t11u(x)+c3t21u(x)+c4t31u(z)

phi(y) = c1pMy+c2t11u(y)+c3t21u(y)+c4t31u(y)

phi(z) = c1pMz+c2t11u(z)+c3t21u(z)+c4t31u(z)

Here the superscripts M, I, 2, and 3 refer to the metal and different rare gas group orbitals, respectively. The elements of the spin-orbit matrix have the form:



a and a' are the spin functions.

HSO=  EMlM.s + SIGMA EXlk.s

where EM and EX are the metal and rare gas SO coupling constants. There is a sum is over all rare gas atom centers which makes use of the standard angular momentum operator relations. The final results looks like:

A*[Matrix of 1s and zeros]

where A = h2(c21EM-4c1c2EXS1 -4c1c2EXSpi+4c1c3EXS1-4c1c4EXS2+4c1c2EMSpi+8c1c3 EMS1+8c1c3 EMS2)/8*pi

S1 =  <pMz|-z1>
S2 =  <pMz|y4>
Spi =  <pMz|z9>

The following article (J. Chem. Phys. 90(10) 1989) gives more details and the result on page 3, which looks like a fairly simple expression. I have seen this kind of problem for tetrahedral and octahedral complexes but never for a tetradecahedral complex. Although I can derive some of its terms, I cannot arrive at the final form. I basically need to know how to evaluate the matrix elements: <phi(i)a|HSO|phi(j)a'> . If there are any physical chemists or chemical physicists out there, could you please give this 30 minutes of your time, even if it is just to point me to a more helpful reference.


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