copper (I) chloride complex: CuCl2- is a complex of CuCl and HCl
CuCl does not dissolve much in water, but complexing with the concentrated hydrochloric acid gives this complex and dissolution.
What happens in your reaction is that you have copper (II) chloride, CuCl2 (s), which can complex with additional halide atoms (e.g. chlorides), to form [CuCl2+x]-x.
then the addition of copper metal sets off a redox reaction, in which the copper (0) is oxidized and the copper (II) reduced to form the cooper (I) complex (in hydrochloric acid)
CuCl2 + HCl + e- --> H[CuCl2] + Cl-
Cu (s) + HCl + Cl- --> H[CuCl2] + e-