Its getting complicated now

Could you give a practical example of when you use the potency?
Because I am starting to think potency is nothing more then an MIC value?
For some reason I was thinking that potency ment how active a drug was. For ex: if it says 800µg/mg potency, that it means that only 800µg of the 1mg really works. (or is this a too simple vision?)
Another example I saw somewhere: "Kanamycin Sulfate has a potency equivalent to not less than 750 μg of
kanamycin (C18H36N4O11) per mg, calculated on the dried basis". I always "translated" this as: kanamycine sulfate works for only 75% of kanamycine itself.. (its not as good as kanamycine itself , because it has a potency of 750 (0,75) compared with kanamycine itself that is 1). Or am I completely wrong here?
and yes that post I got from another forum makes me very confused since I need to make antibiotics in order to check for transformants (as you allready mentioned). The thing is: I never really wondered about antibiotics and the concentrations: I just used existing literature to make my stock solutions. But due to that post, I am starting to wonder about what potency is and how they get to those stock solutions.