I am performing 5 volt electrolysis with brine in hopes of producing small amounts of HCL; as I understand, successful electrolysis of brine should result in aqueous sodium hydroxide and Chlorine gas. I must not be doing something right cause I am getting everything but hcl. I have searched this forum and I have read that aqueous NACL will "not" produce chlorine, I have seen other people contradict this by saying they can smell the chlorine, and they can see the discoloration (etc); this has resulted in more confusion for me and more questions.
I should be getting chlorine gas, hydrogen gas and sodium hydroxide. Instead however I am getting a jet black very
"powdery" powder. If I let this mixture sit for a couple of minutes the powder stuff will condense to the bottom, and a dry orange ring, (which I believe is chlorine) is on the top of the solution. their is also tiny orange droplets underneath the lid of my electrolysis tube; (which is also condensed chlorine gas I beleive?)
I have added alot of salt; to the point of insolubility and started electrolysis, the result was a small cloud of black powder on the bottom, about 8 oz of clear water, and a small orange layer on the top. This result yields very little chlorine if any at all.
I electrolysis-ed the above solution for several minutes then added about a tablespoon of salt, I stirred it very well and the solution became very dark. I restarted electrolysis and came back several minutes later to find that one of my the nails: (electrodes) has almost completely dissolved into my solution.
the solution is barely caustic however; sticking the tip of a finger produces a very mild burn. (even though it should have caustic amounts of both CL2 and NAOH.) So I dont think the nail dissolved due to the
"caustic-ness" and another electrode is completely un-touched. (one electrode bubbles like crazy and is untouched, the other one does not 'bubble' but is like 1/5 its original size since this experiment)
when freezing this stuff I get layers of it, but I cant extract it at all. their is this orange auroa(CL?) with the black powder stuff, (which imho is either NAOH or NA) and I am clueless about where I would start to extract the CL or CL2 from it.
to be brief, I could ask a multitude of questions that I could probably get answered searching around this forum. So I will not ask them, I do however would like to ask
A: what is causing my 'elctrode/nail' to dissolve into my solution?
B: How can I obtain either CL2 or CL from aqueous NaCl mixture?
Thanks for reading, this is my first post and I hope this is in the right section. Forgive me for any inadequacy