hi i'm studying the mole and i've got a question for homework under the heading percentage mass and empirical formulae.
5) Samples of the following hydrates were weighed, heated to drive off the water of crystallisation, cooled and reweighed. From the results calculate the value of a,b.c;
a. 0.869g of CuSO4.aH2O gave a residue of 0.556g
b. 1.173g of CoCl2bH2O gave a residue of 0.641g
c. 0.904g of Pb (C2H3O2)2.cH2O gave a residue of 0.774g
I know how to calucalte empirical forumlae and percentage mass but i don't understand what this particular question is asking for. Am i supposed to calcucate the % mass, empirical formula, number of moles etc.. what?
I would really appreciate some help because i'm confused as to what i'm supposed to work out!