not sure if this will be helpful: can probably be oxidized to azoxymethane by one of the following methods which are known to oxidize pyridine to pyridine N-oxide:
Typically trifluoroacetic acid with H2O2 is used, but there are several other methods.
A catalyst can be used to allow the H2O2 to oxidize the hetrocyclic nitrogen.
Selective mono N-oxidation of substituted pyrazines in good yields using 30% dilute H2O2 as an oxidant with a specially prepared titanium silicate catalyst is possible.
Preparation of the Catalyst
Add a solution of titanium peroxide to ethyl silicate (with or without an organic solvent) to obtain a gel. Hydrolyze the homogeneous gel previously obtained, by adding an organic base to the gel. The ammount of organic base should be only 6-15% of the ammount of silica gel. Next, add deionised water after the yellowish-white color of the gel begins to turn into a greenish-white color. Stir the greenish-white gel for about 1 hour, then heat the gel in a pressure cooker at 100 -110 C. The gel must be constantly heated in this way for at least 20 hours. Further heating, up to 2 days, is preferable. This will result in a solid composite product. Separate out the resultant solid composite material, dry, and bake at a 350-500C temperature to obtain the final product. This is a catalyst and so only a small quantity need be prepared. The organic base should be an organic amine with lots of bulky organic groups on it, either a tri- or tetra-alkyl amine, such as tetrapropyl ammonium hydroxide. Alternatively positively charged coated silica particles can be used instead of the ethyl silicate. These can be prepared by mixing an aqueous colloidal silica with stabilized basic aluminum acetate. The aluminum composition is stabilized with a small quantity of boric acid, which controls the hydrolysis of the aqueous solution of basic aluminum acetate.
The catalyst produced above is known as TS-1 and is basically a porous titanium silicate crystal with a structure analogous to zeolite. TS-1 is not yet commercially available. It can also catalyze the oxidation by H2O2 of imines R2C=NH into
oximes R2C=NOH.
Methyl Cyanide Activation
methyl cyanide can activate the H2O2 so that it can oxidize the cyclic nitrogen atom.
At a pH of 8 , H2O2 reacts with CH3CN to form a peroxycarboximidic acid intermediate CH3C(=NH)O--OH. This is unstable and immediately oxidizes whatever reducing agent is in solution. If no reducing agent is present, acetamide will result and oxygen gas will escape from solution. Other nitriles beside methylcyanide also will work, possibly even addition of threads of acrylic fabric (synthetic wool) will work. An alkaline solution of a nitrile and H2O2 can also oxidize an alkene to an epoxide. I am not entirely sure that the amine will not be vulnerable however. The trifluoroacetic acid and H2O2 route are known to create an N-oxide while leaving the amine on the electron deficient (because of two nitro groups) ring unoxidized, but the strong acidity might be important in protecting the amine group. The fact that the ring is electron deficient makes the amine less vulnerable to oxidation, but I am unsure if this is enough without strongly acidic conditions. The methyl cyanide activation necessitates al
Note: the below was not intended to be part of this message but it could not be deleted without deleting eeveryhting else because this forum has PROBLEMS!!!!ons amine groups must be protected. One such method, designed by this site, is addition of pure actone, followed by addition of acetic anhydride. This will put both an acetyl and an isopropylene (-he amine, and the isopropylene will inevitably be oxidized to an epoxide, wasting nitrile and H2O2. These groups will hydrolyze off after the oxidation by addition of concentrated NH4OH solution, leaving the plain amine intact. This would only be relevent if using the H2O2 and titanium silicate catalyst route, since alkaline conditions would prematurely hydrolyze off the protecting groups.
th only two nitro groups, since addition of the last nitro group will take a longer time period than addition of the first two. Then oxidize with activated H2O2 (this will not atine, and then the compound could be nitrated again, to result in about an equal mix of 6-amino-3,5-dinitro-1,2,4-triazine-1-oxide and 5-amino-3,6-dinitro-1,2,4-triazine-1-oxide. The last of whi
Using H2O2 and Acetic Acid
"Oxidation of 2,6-diamino-3,5-dinitropyridine by refluxing with a 30% solution of H2O2 in acetic acid produced 2,6-diamino,3,5-dinitropyridine-N-oxide in 80% yield."
R. Hollins, L. Merwin, R Nissan, Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry 33, p895 (1996)
H. Ritter, H. Licht. Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry, 32, p585 (1995)