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Topic: S Production and SO2 Emissions  (Read 3519 times)

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Offline ahsanjali

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S Production and SO2 Emissions
« on: June 28, 2011, 11:59:08 AM »
I need your help in verifying some calculations.

I am trying to get a rough estimate for the amount of S, Sulphur (Tons/Day), that we can produce from a given gas stream with H2S.

Also I am trying to find out how much SO2 is going to be released if we were going to sweeten the gas with an Amine Unit, and incinerate the SO2.

The calculations are very simplistic. However I am trying to find a way to get a ballpark number (plus minus 20%).

All help with be appreciated.
Thank you.

Attached is a PDF of my calculations. I can send the Excel file as well.

Offline marcuswilly

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Re: S Production and SO2 Emissions
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2011, 12:06:38 PM »
1 MMscfd of gas with 100 ppm H2S will produce in the acid gas stream approximately 89 lbs of H2S. Of that 32/34 of it would be Sulfur.
Incinerating H2S in low volumes after an mains system is expensive due to the high fuel costs. There are also chemical removal possibilities which have the advantage of eliminating sulfur emissions entirely

Each jurisdiction has their own legislation of sulfur emissions, H2S emissions, and SO2 emissions


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