Doing software phase-correction does not result in aliphatic and aromatic peaks being on the same intensities (like ++ or --) but always results in +- or -+. I therefore don't think this is a phase-correction issue. I normally always phase-correct all my spectra and the spectrum shown in my first post is allready phase-corrected, both using software automatic and manual phase-correction.
I think this is problem has to do with relaxation times.
You phased poorly, there is no question about it. It is not an insult, it is sometime hard. You can not really go much further until you phase it correctly. Ingratiating on poorly phased NMRs is not a good idea. You can attach the raw XY points and I can help re-phase it.
Not really sure what you are trying to say by intensities. Intensities are irrelevant.
Also, sometimes when you have signals so far out of phase it is a sign of the probe not been tuned properly, or the pulse-width way off, or a combination of both.
Note, it would be really helpful if you would attach what you think the molecule is, or what you are hoping for.