A few points:
1. NaOH then H
+ will not reduce anything, there is no reducing agent there. Can you draw a mechanism for it?
2. LiAlH
4 will probably take out the double bond as well via conjugate reduction. In any case it will probably be a mess. The reduction you propose is normally carried out with a Luche reduction, but...
3. You can't alkylate an allylic alcohol with a cuprate, but you can alkylate an
a,b-unsaturated ketone with a cuprate. Given this, it would be more sensible to alkylate first, then reduce.
Right idea, but there are problems:
1. Your arrows in the first step. You have attacked at one end of the epoxide, but your arrows then show the C-O epoxide bond at the other end cleaving.
2. You have installed a methyl group, but the Grignard reagent you used is
ethylmagnesium bromide - with this reagent your product would be 1-phenylbutan-1-ol, not 1-phenylpropan-1-ol as drawn. Keep count of your carbons.