Good afternoon
I am the Thermo Scientific FT-IR marketing manager and I'd like to answer some of your questions and comments.
The hyphenation to which you are referring is an FTIR module from one manufacturer coupled to a dispersive Raman from another; it is a design that adds some infrared micro sampling capabilities to Raman microscopes, but certainly not the full analytical flexibility and sensitivity of dedicated infrared microscopes. (Dedicated hi-performance infrared microscopes deliver spatial resolution close to, or better the diffraction limit (10 microns), transmission analysis capabilities and ultra-fast chemical imaging, and a superior overall sensitivity). Also, Thermo Scientific offers two types of Raman instruments: FT-Raman (which can be standalone or integrated with an FTIR system and offers basic micro sampling), and dispersive Raman microscopy. Our FTIR microscopes are optically optimized for the highest mid infrared spatial resolution while our Raman microscopes are optimized for Raman sensitivity and spectral resolution performance, with the ease of use of alignment-free configurable optics. Raman spatial resolution, assuming alignment is optimized or built-in in the design like in our DXR system, is intrinsic of the technique (1 micron). With reference to the three units you mentioned, that would be necessary only in the case of the FT-Raman system. If you are looking for top performance IR and Raman microscopy systems, you may wish to consider our Nicolet iN10 microscope which is a stand-alone unit featuring integrated FT-IR optics, with patented beam conditioning optics for highest possible performance in infrared microscopy. The Nicolet iN10 combined with the DXR dispersive Raman microscope represent a very powerful instrument set up that delivers ease of use and flexibility in both Raman and infrared microscopy, high spatial resolution, chemical imaging and sampling configurability. The two instruments use the same sample stage and you could enter the sample coordinates to - maybe not exactly - but quickly reposition the sample X-Y location coordinates by software. With regards to MCT detectors, we use a roprietary design dewar coupled with an MCT-A element which offers superior signal to noise up to 650 cm-1. If you wish to discuss your needs in further details, please do not hesitate to contact us or your nearest Thermo Scientific representative.
Best regards
Federico Izzia
FT-IR Marketing Manager
Edit: email removed
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Scientific Instruments - Molecular Spectroscopy
5225 Verona Road Madison, WI 53711