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Topic: Deduce Heat Capacity by two different methods  (Read 4023 times)

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Offline skp524

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Deduce Heat Capacity by two different methods
« on: September 01, 2011, 09:05:52 AM »
a) Based on equipartition of energy, determine the heat capacity,Cp, of CO2 gas assuming ideal gas behavior.  Consider one mole of CO2.

My attempt:
1.5 RT for translational motions, 1 RT for rotational motions, 1 RT for vibrational motions
 U= (1.5+1+1)RT=3.5 RT
  Cv,m= 3.5R , Cp,m - Cv,m= R  
Thus , Cp for one mole CO2 gas = 4.5R =37.4 JK-1mol-1

b) Carbon dioxide consists of 4 vibrational modes, one symmetric stretching, one asymmetric stretching and two bendings and the vibrational frequencies are 1388cm-1,2349 cm-1 and 667 cm-1 , respectively. Planck suggested only discrete energy level are  allowed for vibrational motions. Based on this assumption, he derived a forumla for the average energy of an oscillator at temperature T,
<E>= hv/[exp(hv/kT)-1]. Determine the heat capacity , Cp of CO2 in light of this. Compare the value with that obatined from part (a), which one would be more accurate and why?

My attempt:  
I tried to split the calculation into 2 parts, one for translational+rotational, another for vibrational
U= 3.5RT=(1.5+1+1) (k*Na)T
=2.5(k*Na)T +1(k*Na)T
=2.5RT+ Na(kT) * 1
=2.5RT+ Na<E>*(k/k)
=2.5RT+ (k*Na/k)*<E>
=2.5RT+ (R/k)<E>

Replace <E>=kT with <E>=hv/[exp(hv/kT)-1]

Differentiate <U> with respect to T
Cv=2.5R+(R) (1/k *d<E>/dT)
Cv=2.5R+R {[(hv/kT * exp(hv/2kT)]/[exp(hv/kT)-1]  }^2
Cv=2.5R+ Rf
 , where x =  hv/kT and f =x^2*{[exp(x/2)]/[exp(x)-1]}^2

As there are 4 vibrational modes, there would be f(v1), f(v2) and two f(v3)

=4.455R=37.0 JK-mol-1

As a result, the value from part (b) is more accurate in accordance with the standard value at 298K , 36.94 JK-mol-1. For the possible reasons behind, I suggest that energies are  not equally shared among different frequencies, therefore we need to take the average energy of "different" oscillators ( i.e. different frequencies) into consideration. In addition, from part (a), the Cp was found to be actually a constant, i.e. 4.5R , that is temperature-independent. In fact, temperature can affect heat capacity, so part (b) 's approach may be more suitable.

Can anyone give comment to my deduction to let me know whether it is correct?

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Re: Deduce Heat Capacity by two different methods
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2011, 08:46:44 PM »
Agree with about everything here.

CO2 is THE small molecule whose Cp is difficult to evaluate quickly, because its has many vibration modes that get excited around room temperature. Stiff molecules like H2 and N2 behave just like perfect gases around RT - provided the gas' density is far from the liquid's one.

If your gas is hotter, any molecule gets as complicated as CO2 is at RT. Especially in flames, heat capacity varies a lot, notably from H2O and CO2. And then you have equilibrium shift (with CO). At higher temperature, like during the atmospheric entry of a spacecraft, excited electronic states get populated, O2 dissociates, and even N2 would at higher speed.

Your CO2 estimation by hand was complicated enough to tell that this is a job for a software.

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