There are A LOT of scholarships for college. Some are federal, others are local, and some are school dependent.
You really just have to do A LOT of looking, visit individual school websites and look for individual school scholarships, check out state and federal scholarships.
Depending on your actual financial situation of you are your family, you can possibly qualify for PELL grants, which is federal funding to go to school you do not have to pay back. There are also federally supported student loans, but you do have to pay those back eventually.
You also do not have to start full time either, you can go part-time and work while going to school to pay for 1-2 classes a semester. If you can get partial scholarships or funding, and work to supplement it, etc.
If you did really good in high school Chemistry, I would also suggest then contacting your high school Chemistry teacher and tell them you wish to go to college to study chemistry. They might know more info about local options for funding for college to go into Chemistry.
Also, a lot of colleges have "counselors" you can go talk to and get help with funding issues, answer questions, help find funding, etc. You can also contact the Chemistry or Chem Eng. departments of schools you are interested in directly, and see if they can provide you any more information or contacts to people that can help.
But it is VERY geographical and circumstantial dependent, the options you have.